Eastside Chamblee 3 Buildings / 90,000 SF Total / Chamblee, Georgia Adaptive use project turning warehouses into creative office space Repositioning of buildings creating materials for rebranding Exterior upgrades as well as interior fit-out for anchor tenants Download the Fact Sheet
Southern Union Conference
Dana McClure2022-12-11T15:09:49+00:00Southern Union Conference of Seventh Day Adventists 60,000 SF Offices for Southern Union Regional Directive Conference Center with 200-seat dining facility, meeting rooms with full A/V capabilities. Grand stair uniting public and private areas Interior design reflective of Southern Adventist values, highlighting a closeness to nature. [...]

OCS Checkweighers Office Addition & Renovation
Dana McClure2022-12-11T17:27:12+00:00OCS Checkweighers Office Addition & Renovation 22,000 SF Addition of second story to offices Exterior renovation updating the old stone block facade to sleek and modern metal trespa panels Interior renovation includes polished concrete floors, neutral color palette in keeping with the German company's brand Open [...]
Peachtree Presbyterian Church Expansion
Dana McClure2022-12-11T13:39:17+00:00Peachtree Presbyterian Church 10 acres - 160,000 SF / Atlanta, Georgia Increased church buildings by 100,000 SF while only eliminating 50 parking places Included Church master planning services, exterior upgrades to the sanctuary, interior upgrades, space planning for children's building, gymnasium, recreation center, cafeteria, and extended [...]
Georgia Tech Living Learning Center
Dana McClure2022-12-11T13:47:32+00:00Georgia Tech Living Learning Center West Commons 3,074 SF / Atlanta, Georgia Project entailed renovating a convenience mart into a flexible learning space Flex space can scale up to a large meeting or training area or down into subdivided learning or meeting rooms. Lighting, A/V, and [...]